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Monday, August 27, 2018

In "Historic Bombshell", Vatican Official Accuses Pope Francis Of Covering Up Sexual Abuse, Calls For Resignation

In an extraordinary 11-page written testament, one which the NYT's Ross Douthat called a "truly historic bombshell", a former papal nunco, or Vatican ambassador, to the US, it does what many have called for, and offers testimony concerning "who in the hierarchy knew what, and when," about the crimes of Cardinal McCarrick. The testimony implicates a host of high-ranking churchmen. And the pope. Vigano said that he told Pope Francis in 2013 about allegations of sexual abuse against a prominent priest — and that Francis took no action. Now, the former official, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, 77, is calling for Francis to step down.

Vigano made the allegations in a lengthy statement that concludes with a call for Francis' resignation:

"In this extremely dramatic moment for the universal Church, he must acknowledge his mistakes and, in keeping with the proclaimed principle of zero tolerance, Pope Francis must be the first to set a good example to Cardinals and Bishops who covered up McCarrick's abuses and resign along with all of them."



  1. Paid for by Muslim lover Soros.

  2. He should resign just like the last one. He knew too. They all do. It’s been going on for too long not to know.

  3. benedict was forced out by the lavender mafia, so they could install their man francis! being gay aint so bad, as poope said who is he to judge! it's all good!

  4. He never spoke up about the "disapeared" people back in his days in Venezuela. Many say he would have had to give the ok on some priests and nuns who were eliminated. As soon as he came on the scene and the MSM was heaping praise on him I knew he must be dirty.


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