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Thursday, August 09, 2018

IDF says war in Gaza approaching, communities near Strip could be evacuated

A senior army official warned Thursday morning that Israel was nearing a full-blown military confrontation in the Gaza Strip after hundreds of rockets were launched overnight by Palestinian terror groups, adding that the government could begin evacuating communities near the coastal enclave in preparation.

“We are rapidly nearing a confrontation,” the IDF senior officer said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “Hamas is making serious mistakes, and we may have to make it clear after four years that this path doesn’t yield any results for it and isn’t worth it.”

Authorities said over 150 rockets and mortar shells were launched at Israeli communities since Wednesday evening. The barrages by the Hamas terror group continued throughout the night and into Thursday.

In response to the attacks, the Israeli army said, it struck over 140 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip overnight.

The military said a large number of additional forces were being deployed to the Gaza area. However, no additional reservist units have been called up as of Thursday morning, Conricus said.

According to the spokesman, the military was ready to evacuate communities in southern Israel if war breaks out.

“This is something that we are prepared to do, but this is not something that is in process or that we are eager to do,” Conricus said.



  1. Finely. Time to let Israel kill off all of this trash.

  2. Israel was INVENTED by America and Britain on someone else's land only 70 years ago. The coming genocide of the Palestinian people is much like Americans genocide of the native Indians.

  3. 10:43 and 11:33

    Ironically, you're both right.

  4. 11:33
    Thank you

    The infamous Balfour Declaration at the end of WWI tells the public everything it needs to know about Israel including who wanted it established, and the reason for WWII.

    It is the Center of Western Banking Empire (Rothschild Family Dynasty). A personal Country for pillage and plunder. The most vile and evil nation on the earth.


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