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Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Hungary PM Pits "Anti-Communist Christians" Against Globalist Elite For Europe's Future

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared "anti-communist Christians" are the future of Europe as the globalist elite lose their grip on power.

Speaking to an assembly at a Hungarian political rally in Transylvania, Orbán championed the rejuvenation of Central Europe as a bastion for "Christian democracy," one in which the nation-state serves as the model for individual countries who also work together to protect European culture, people and values.

"There are alternatives to globalism. Central Europe’s path is the path of the alliance of independent nation states," Orbán said. "The leaders of the EU are incompetent. They failed to protect Europe from migration. The European elite has failed, and the European Commission is the symbol of this."

"We have to show them that there is an alternative to liberal democracy. It’s called Christian democracy," Orbán added, referencing critical 2019 European Parliamentary elections.


1 comment:

  1. Saw "info wars", immediately closed the link.

    "Anti-Communist Christians"? What is that? How about just "anti-communist"?

    "Christian Democracy"?... don't you mean THEOCRACY?

    A whole lot of twisting of words and skewing whats true.


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