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Thursday, August 02, 2018

HUD implements nationwide smoking ban in public housing

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) implemented a nationwide ban on smoking inside or near public housing facilities into effect on Tuesday.

Under the terms of the ban, which was passed by the Obama administration in 2016, the use of cigarettes, cigars and pipes is prohibited in all government subsidized housing units. Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, have not been banned but may be in the future.

The ban also prohibits smoking in areas up to 25 feet away from public housing units and administrative office buildings, according to a brochure from the department.

“Eliminating smoking indoors and close to buildings is the only way to fully protect people from secondhand smoke,” the department states in the release.



  1. It's about time. They've abolished it in every other public building, so why not ban it in the facilities that taxpayers pay for and where residents live in subsidized buildings.
    Good luck enforcing it.

  2. Good luck enforcing that on the EBT Crew.

  3. No one that lives in HUD housing should be smoking anyway. They live in HUD housing but can afford cigarettes? Something wrong with that picture.

  4. Good luck enforcing that in public housing. Can't stop drug use but they will stop smoking?
    If caught will they be evicted? No

    1. They will just trash the place ? Oooppppssss sorry they already did that.

  5. lol.

    What a joke.
    Typical liberal idea.
    THEY don't like something, they want to use all their authority to ban it or prohibit it.
    THEY want someone else to do the "enforcing" part.
    THEY will handle the money that flows from fines and fees, etc.
    That's the food chain breakdown in the liberal goof universe.
    Will they also go after the HUD units using sheets and towels as curtains??

    1. Why not have BLM Enforce it ? Lol

  6. We're gonna need a tobacco czar now.

  7. Section 8 or not, it is intrusive and paternalistic to ban smoking.
    It's also stupid. Most housing projects are riddled with drugs of all kinds, and I'm supposed to believe cigarettes are the problem???

  8. $6.00 a pack X 30 days = $180.00. This is money that could be used to reimburse the taxpayer funded free rent.

    1. Minus $180 off of there EBT Car.


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