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Friday, August 03, 2018

Hillary Clinton, Steven Spielberg to Produce Women's Voting Rights Drama

Hillary Clinton and Steven Spielberg are joining forces to bring Elaine Weiss’ The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote to television.

Amblin TV, the television production division of Spielberg’s Amblin Partners, has named Clinton as an executive producer of the project, with talks still ongoing as to whether to turn the critically acclaimed book into a series or TV movie. Reports say Netflix, Amazon, Apple and HBO are among the online stream and premium cable networks that Amblin TV will pitch the project to.

The Hollywood Reporter writes:

The book, published in March, follows the activists who led the decades-long fight to grant women the right to vote and sheds light on how close the battle to ratify the 19th Amendment really was. The book celebrates those who changed history and laid the foundation for the civil rights movement that came decades later.

Sources say as Weiss was writing the book, she was struck by the parallels between the women’s suffrage movement and the 2016 presidential election between Clinton and Donald Trump. It then became a priority for the author and journalist — whose work has appeared in multiple publications and on NPR — to get her book in Clinton’s hands. Eventually, she met a bookstore owner who delivered The Woman’s Hour to Clinton. The latter, sources say, loved the contemporary and relevant issues the book tackled and felt it would be an important story to tell on TV while also creating strong roles for women.


  1. Well, if you didn't already know that Hollywood is a part of Intelligence, then you should need no further proof!

    Hollywood has always been intelligence. It operates to "convince" the public of certain "facts, stories, scenarios" so on. It reinforces the themes established by the globalist elites who own and operate the financial system and banks.

    Hollywood runs "programs" on the population on behalf of the elites.
    It convinced people to:

    Smoke cigarettes a long time ago
    Accept women's liberation as a "good thing"
    Accept drug use as normal
    Accept sexual liberation as a "good thing"
    Accept that the advertiser's products are a "good thing"
    Become Jewish in every way and reject Christianity
    Spend money they don't have
    Eat unhealthy diets
    Believe in the fake 1969 Lunar Landing
    Believe in the fake JFK murder
    Believe in the fake RFK murder
    Believe in the fake MLK murder
    Believe in "serial killers"
    Believe in 911 as a catalyst for endless war in foreign countries
    Believe in fluoridated water
    Believe in the Federal Reserve Bank as being a part of the US government, or that it actually has "reserves"

    Like the ancient Druids, they took a branch from the Holly Tree and cast a spell (Spielberg?) upon the masses . . .

  2. Ibama’s Daughters will graduate from college before he produces anything for Netflix.

  3. Weird, having a Democrat tell the story. I mean, the Democrats blocked the 19th Amendment, and the Republican Suffragists for what, 30 years?

  4. Curse the network that buys this horror, and the advertisers who support it.


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