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Friday, August 17, 2018

GOP Sen. Kennedy: Brennan Is a ‘Butthead’ Who No Longer Needs Security Clearance

Wednesday in an interview with CNN’s Manu Raju, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) reacted to President Donald Trump revoking former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance.

Kennedy said, “I think most Americans look at our national intelligence experts as being above politics. Mr. Brennan has demonstrated that that’s not the case. He’s been totally political. I think I called him a butthead and I meant it. I think he’s given the national intelligence community a bad name."



  1. Anyone that provided false info to remove the president needs to go.

  2. He even looks like a butthead.

  3. Revoke all Obama appointees with security clearances. It's not a right or privilege, It's based on "Need To Know".

  4. Seems alot more folks with much tougher national security issues who have worked on both sides of the aisle are saying this was a banana republic move. The crowd on this board would have gone straight loopy had Obama done this. Too funny.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Seems alot more folks with much tougher national security issues who have worked on both sides of the aisle are saying this was a banana republic move. The crowd on this board would have gone straight loopy had Obama done this. Too funny.

    August 17, 2018 at 1:35 PM

    Well it's obvious from your statement that you know nothing about clearances other than the ones at Kmart. Brennan should never have been given a clearance in the first place, but your buddy obammy gave it to him and his "job". Do some research on this criminal Brennan and see what he has done while in his position WITH his clearance and what he is doing now. In neither scenario should he have had a clearance.

    Obama was protected from much criticism because he was the first black (half) president. People were afraid of the protests and violence that would follow any perceived hostility towards him. That's just the fact of the case.

    Thankfully he is finally out of office and the truth is coming to light and most have wised up about that fraud. Some never will see the light.

    Trump is being attacked relentlessly not because of any illegal actions or impropriety, but because he is exposing those in power for what they are and what they have done.

    There are only a handful of people who own 80% or more of the media and they all say the same things about Trump, making it seem whichever way they want it to seem. Most, if not all, are lies, fabrications, exaggerations, and distractions.

    Unfortunately, distractions do work on some people, like yourself for example. People who can think for themselves and discern facts are seeing the truth become clearer each day. Some of which are on this very board you seem to disparage. No matter, we have become accustomed to the bullying and attempts to shut us up, which will never happen btw.

    Nothing is over until it is over and all this "draining the swamp" and exposing the corruption and the "deep state" is just getting started. All the attacks, accusations, insults, and other bs is the enemies way of fighting back and trying to remain in power and get rid of the one who can expose them. They are terrified and will stop at nothing to get rid of the threat that is Trump.

    Some will never believe what I am saying but as the saying goes, we can show you better than we can tell you. The tide is beginning to turn against them and they know they don't have much time left. Enjoy the show.

    1. Focus. You spilled a whole lot of digital ink but couldnt even defute what I said. The fact is Brennan recieved a clearance and there are folks across the national security arena, who have served BOTH parties, who are backing up both Brennan's credentials and are against Trump's move. Unless you have real facts to refute what they are saying, you are just an old whiny woman crying about "well its my truth"

  6. Now everyone is assigning names to people.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Focus. You spilled a whole lot of digital ink but couldnt even defute what I said. The fact is Brennan recieved a clearance and there are folks across the national security arena, who have served BOTH parties, who are backing up both Brennan's credentials and are against Trump's move. Unless you have real facts to refute what they are saying, you are just an old whiny woman crying about "well its my truth"

    August 18, 2018 at 8:00 AM

    Those "facts" you cite have already been disputed AND disproven. I do miss one or two of you people when educating them about what the real facts are and suggest they do their own research instead of relying on headlines, talking points, and mere opinions of like-minded individuals. OF COURSE, some of those will back up what this douche says, but that doesn't make either one of them correct.

    Joe has just posted what I was talking about yesterday and other things as well. Much more is out there if you take the time to search it out instead of just concentrating on trying to prove me and others wrong. (you haven't)

    We are sharing information but you have to do a little work yourselves if you want the whole stories and the REAL facts.


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