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Wednesday, August 08, 2018

'Go back to New York. Mind your own business'

A Florida sheriff is telling the Rev. Al Sharpton to get lost after the civil rights leader led a rally for a slain black man in Clearwater over the weekend.

“I wasn’t there, and I don’t really care what Al Sharpton has to say,” Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said Monday at an unrelated news conference in St. Petersburg. “Go back to New York. Mind your own business.”



  1. Sharpton doesn't even have to open his mouth for people to know what he's going to say. Racist, racist, racist, blah, blah, blah, empty threat, racist, racist, racist. Ho hum.

  2. Only showsup when he can stir up hate. Pay your taxes you hack and stay in NY.

  3. He's come along way for a ghetto hairdresser. He was not half the timely places he claim's to have been in the civil rights movement.

  4. Got to love Florida.

  5. Why do people encourage others to pay taxes to a vile and evil government?

    The US Government is destroying America. Wake up folks. Learn the truth. This government lies to the People every day about every topic.

  6. Arrest this tax fraud and turn him over to the Feds for prison!

  7. Just another racist Democrat. Playing the race card since the 80,s


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