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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

"Furious" Swedish PM Rages At Violent Gang Rampage: "What The Hell Are You Doing?"

After last night's violent, coordinated rampage by masked gangs of youths across five Swedish cities, Swedish politicians were quick to react with far-right, anti-immigrant party 'Sweden Democrats' seeing a surge in the polls ahead of September 9th's election.

"I get pissed off for real," Prime Minister Stefan Löfven hit out in an interview with Swedish radio, adding hewanted to ask the perpetrators "what the hell are you doing?"

"Society will come back hard on this," said the Social Democrat leader, who also raised questions about the scope and timing of the attacks, which police suspect were coordinated via social media.

"It looks very coordinated, almost like a military operation," Löfven said, adding that the police probe would show if the car fires were down to vandalism, organized crime or something else.


1 comment:

  1. What are they doing? Showing their true colors, that's what!


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