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Sunday, August 05, 2018

FINALLY!!! June 2018 Salisbury Maryland Crime Stats.

Link to see the rest of the stats.. ..https://salisbury.md/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/SPD-Part-One-Comparison-2018-YTD.pdf


  1. I called the gov office on them )

  2. THEY SPD are still covering up crime stats by down grading call types.

  3. I want a FBI investigation into SPD and the city of Salisbury ie Jake day covering up crime stats for SALISBURY UNIVERSITY bc we all know that's what's it about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    1. The majority of the SU main campus is outside of City limits. Conversely most of the campus housing though is inside.

    2. Hence why they WANT too keep parents uneducated about the massive crime areas the students live around ...If there parents seen the real CRIME fogetaboutit it's all about the $$$$

  4. Funny how the calls for service continues to rise but not certain types of crimes. I think 10:01 is right.

    It's still shocking the murder and rape have increased so much while Jakie Day continues to tell us crime is down. Yes some figures out down but the worst 2 crimes are not!

  5. 12:19 Yeah, they don't have anything better to do like tracking down terrorists both foreign and domestic.

    1. Lolololol
      They couldn't care less about terrorist esp MS 13 fool you idiots want to DESTROY ICE .

  6. The only reason ANY of these stats for lesser crimes give the appearance of decreasing is that people have given up reporting them. The SPD will never catch the person who broke into your car, or robbed you. Hell, they don't even pretend to try anymore. So, why waste your time filling out paperwork or reporting anything.

  7. Look at those percentage numbers for murder and rape (172% and 22%) and realize that it took one murder and two rapes to boost them that much over the ten year average. Populations and demographics change in a ten year period. Look to the specific demographic of race victims vs. race perpetrators and the picture becomes clearer, no?

  8. Why aren't these crimes being reported is Obama still President ?

  9. Quit whining.... bunch of punk babies!!! Salisbury Police Dept. is doing a fantastic job, you are all just jealous! Call the whambulance.....

  10. Hey 7;32 dont get your panties in a bunch..Its not the cops fault, it's the management! Go back to shinning your badge you fool tool

  11. Seems we have one under educated person that knows more than everyone else yet can only express himself by calling people names. Yes, I'm talking about you 9:26.


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