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Friday, August 03, 2018

Facebook uncovers attempts to influence upcoming US elections

Social media colossus Facebook said Tuesday that it had identified a coordinated effort to influence US politics, with dozens of bogus accounts and pages engaging in political skulduggery before midterm elections — and that the sophisticated effort could be linked to Russia.

Company officials told lawmakers this week that it detected the influence campaign on Facebook and Instagram as part of its probe into election interference, according to The New York Times, which first reported the story.

Facebook in a statement said it had no evidence yet linking the effort to Russia, whose Internet Research Agency was at the center of a series of indictments by special counsel Robert Mueller, who is probing Russian election interference and possible collusion with President Trump’s campaign.

But company officials told lawmakers during a series of hearings on Capitol Hill that Russia was possibly involved.

“We’re still in the very early stages of our investigation and don’t have all the facts — including who may be behind this,” the company said in a statement.

“But we are sharing what we know today given the connection between these bad actors and protests that are planned in Washington next week.”



  1. Is it just me, or is George Soros the King of election meddling? And the Champion of The Party of Liberal Jim.

  2. Fake news, they are trying to go after Russia like they did Libya and Syria but with Russia it is not working so easily like they had thought...

    Why hasn't twitter or Instagram or or Reddit or any other place say they found such things? Why is it only the companies backed by darpa or the govt that always seems to find these things? Because trump is rather draining the swamp, slowly as it seems, but nonetheless draining it, the dems are losing their minds becasue they cannot have their way and use propaganda to make people hate him... Then you have the other side of the coin where this could all be a smoke and mirrors game where trump is working with the dems and everyone else but looking as if he is playing hardball...

  3. They don't know who is behind the coordinated effort and we don't have all of the facts, but they just said Facebook has proof or evidence there was a sophisticated effort to interfere with the midterm elections...

    Does anyone else feel stupid after reading that? Seriously, if that isn't an oxy then I don't know what it... They just contradicted themselves in 2 sentences at the beginning of the damn article... Come on folks, pay attention and wake up...

  4. I just have to wonder about all this so called meddling. A couple of Russian hacks place stories on Facebook or twitter and then they have a bunch of bots "following" the stories and this is what we call trying to influence our elections. no one is doing anything with actual votes or voter rolls just throwing stuff out on social media. that is what we are talking about. Are we that stupid???????

  5. Facebook is a creation of the CIA and little Zuckerberg is their front man. It is a spying tool.

    And by the way, I hope the readers realize just how many ELECTIONS the CIA have hacked, influenced, and hijacked!

    Wake up to the facism.

  6. For anyone that gets their news off Facebook, they really are the gullible, and stupid folks of our society. Maybe a law should be passed on the level of intelligence needed to be allowed to vote.

  7. It wasn't Russia it was me.

  8. Dig deeper into Soros' involvement. Follow the $$.


  9. FB need only look in the mirror. Don't bank on that actually happening.

  10. None of this is new. It's been happening all along. Social media and online shopping has everyone thinking the internet is all rainbows and daisies like a radio party line. It's never been a democratic public forum and there have been hackers from the beginning many of them security consultants now. We do the same thing to other countries and always have.


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