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Monday, August 27, 2018

Donald Trump: FBI Did Not Finish Hillary Clinton Email Investigation

President Donald Trump asserted on Saturday that the FBI did not properly investigate Hillary Clinton’s missing emails.

“Big story out that the FBI ignored tens of thousands of Crooked Hillary Emails, many of which are REALLY BAD,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Also gave false election info. I feel sure that we will soon be getting to the bottom of all of this corruption.”

Trump referred to a story highlighted on Fox News on Saturday that the missing emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server found on Anthony Weiner’s computer were not completely scrutinized by the FBI.

“‘The FBI looked at less than 1%’ of Crooked’s Emails!” Trump wrote, citing the report.



  1. Agree. Do your jobs.

  2. YES! Lock her up, let the Liberal Democrats defend her criminal acts!


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