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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Does The Politically Correct Western Media Keep Covering Up Violent Attacks By Extremists?

All over the world, specifically motivated arson attacks, shootings, knifings, and gang violence eruptions are occurring. But mainstream media outlets in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US are reluctant to report the stories without a pro-immigration bias, quietly glossing over the common thread in the attacks. Extremists with ties to Northern Africa seem to be waging a war, but you won’t hear this from the media or the respective governments.

Before someone starts calling me a racist, please understand that in my following report, I am certainly not trying to paint every person who has migrated with the same brush. I’m talking about extremists, and as I’ve written many times, extremists are usually the ones who get all the press. The other thing that is rarely reported on is the families who relocate to another country and embrace the new way of life, becoming valuable members of society. It seems to me that if there weren’t a large number of these people who quietly integrate, we’d be hearing about it.

This is a different story, however. It’s a story about how numerous attacks that have happened in just the past few weeks are being glossed over by the media and the governments of the countries where they happened.



  1. Joe

    I live by Northwood drive and Naylor mill I have been calling SPD and MSP about thugs driving up and down the streets with DIRTBAGS on Dirt bikes the so called police are doing NOTHING I hope these thugs show up at the Folk fest and do the same.

  2. 422
    You are on the wrong thread.
    This one is about the violent attacks of so-called terrorists.

    The MSM is a part of the intelligence network who orchestrates, funds, trains, and plans these terror events.
    They are not reporting on the terror events in a way that reveals the truth.
    They do no investigative work, but instead parrot the talking points handed down by the "think tanks" (intelligence).

    Intelligence was created by the richest people in the world and they hold the purse strings (not governments).
    The people are told they work for the respective government of their "host country", but it is a lie (front).
    The intelligence agencies of the world work for the elite who run the governments and finance the campaigns.
    Terror is being used as a weapon against the people. No matter how ridiculous the terror event seems to be, the story is told in the MSM and the majority of the people believe the story.

    The liberal media is owned by these same rich people who own stocks of all of the major companies in the world.
    They own weapons and aeronautical manufacturing companies, and they benefit from war.
    War, war, war.

  3. Mockingbird! If you lie enough to the American people they will believe everything you tell them, EXACTLY why MSM does what it does.


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