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Thursday, August 02, 2018

Dems Worry About Election Integrity, Oppose Voter ID

President Donald Trump declared at a Tuesday rally in Florida, “If you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. You need ID.” Cue the Leftmedia fact-check freak out. Headlines across the nation reacted similarly to the Chicago Tribune’s, which read, “Trump at rally makes false claim on photo IDs for groceries.” But if you buy, for instance, a six-pack of beer with your groceries, Trump is spot on. Intentionally missing the point of Trump’s broadly accurate remarks, the mainstream media saw an opportunity to dismiss outright Trump’s clear message: The best and most practical way to defend the integrity of U.S. elections is through voter ID laws.

In context, Trump’s full statements were aimed at the very common experience of every American when making a purchase — they are asked to produce a photo ID.

Here is the full context of what Trump said:


  1. Go to a dollar store and try to buy cigarettes without an ID, I am 58 and get carded EVERYTIME,even by the same clerks, I buy cigarettes! But God forbid, don't dare prove you are who you say and you have the LEGAL right to vote!

  2. Oxymoronic: def: a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction

    1. I thought oxymorons were people “addicted” to opioids?

  3. Dems don't want voters to produce a valid ID to vote and they are against the wall with Mexico. Apparently the Dems don't want to stop voter fraud by illegals.

    1. No, they’re not against the wall, they just don’t think we (Americans) should pay for it after being promised it would be funded by Mexico.

  4. Just like the MSM to pick it apart and show the world the chaff and not the fruit. How self-defeating!

  5. Worrying about election integrity would have as its first concern the citizenship of each and every voter. To say otherwise is to admit that the votes, legal or not, are the only things that count. Is this what Democrats call democracy?

  6. Dumbocrats can't elected without rampant voter fraud.

    Voter I.D. would reduce voter fraud.


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