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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Delingpole: Don't Blame Trump for the California Wildfires

All the usual leftist suspects – CNN, WaPo, Sen. Kamala Harris, Governor Moonbeam – are trying to blame “climate change” and even Donald Trump for the wildfires ravaging California.

But guess who is really to blame…

That’s right: the usual leftist suspects.

Specifically the culprits are all those environmental campaigners, eco lobbyists, green NGOs, lawyers and politicians responsible turning California and the Pacific Northwest into a gigantic fire hazard.
Forests need management to stay healthy: they need thinning to promote strong, disease-free growth; they need accumulated dry brush to be cleared to avoid the risk of wildfires; they need firebreaks to stop fires getting out of control; they need managed burns in order to stave off the savage incendiary fury of the kind of wildfires that burn so hot they turn the entire area into a barren wasteland.



  1. bwahahaha LOL

    "Forests need management to stay healthy"

    Im pretty sure mother nature handled this pretty well on her own for millions of years. No, MAN needs management because he continues to build his home in hazard prone areas then act surprised when it doesnt turn out so well.

  2. Yes, Mother Nature did used to take care of this. It was done by wildfires. Now, due to cities, towns, and Suburban development, the wildfires can't tell the difference between a building and underbrush. Fencing and ditching keep the land from being grazed upon by the animals that were originally there and it cannot hold the moisture like it used to, due to the water being drained off faster than it can infiltrate the ground. This is not climate change, however, it is man-made. If you want to have your house in one of these areas, then you have to manage the forests and Natural Parks so that they do not allow for these huge fires to take place. They are always going to happen, only through management can they be kept from destroying large amounts of the areas that the people wish to occupy.


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