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Monday, August 27, 2018

Confederate Monuments and the Destruction of a Nation's History

They tore another Confederate statue down. A mob of misinformed lawless miscreants in North Carolina, ignorant of history but allowed to alter history. Violating law and allowed to do so by gutless local authorities guarding not history or law but their positions and municipal pensions.

Where is the concern for facts or even the greater concern for a destruction of national identity conducted by the uneducable twenty-year-olds?

Enter an expert, a person not wet behind the ears with a sledge hammer, but rather an astute historian who possesses knowledge beyond any level which the mobsters could imagine.

Meet James "Bud " Robertson. If you have read Civil War history, you might have read one of his books. He has published forty. If you are a statue remover, you most assuredly have read none.

Mr. Robertson is professor emeritus Virginia Tech. He has studied the politics of the great war for nearly six decades. He assisted the Kennedy administration in the commemoration of the Civil War Centennial. He provides great wisdom regarding the importance of history to a nation's identity and insights into the Civil War. His one hour speech can be seen on his video. It is remarkable collection of observations, both past and present, regarding a nation's history and the peril that comes with its altering. He corrects the misconceptions that fuel much of this Confederate statue controversy.



  1. Well we are not supposed to worship false Idols and Icons anyway and Bronze is fetching good money. If you care that much I am sure you could get a nice chess set from the tacky Franklin Mint along with some commemorative plates and coasters and some fake coins.

    1. So can we tare down MLK Statues ?

  2. 5:39pm clown. Loud mouth clown. My trophy will be your nose.

  3. 6:12 He wasn't a traitor.


    2. He was a WOMANISER.

  4. It's really about Soros inspired and paid thugs destroying history so people don't learn from it so his ilk can control them.

  5. 6:12 no but if they offend you feel free to TEAR them down.

  6. Wait wait. So tear down the statue and you say its erasing history. But civil rights activists mention slavery and you say get over it. LOL. Which one is it Nancy? You cant have it both ways.

  7. John McCain the Hero of the day had a great grandfather that owned 52 slaves. He rapped the women so many times that there are now today enough black McCain family member's to have family reunions! What a bunch of Hippocrates why aren't they condemning this clown and his Racist past in his family?

    1. Blacks owned more slave down south and that's a FACT

  8. 8:01 WTF are you talking about. Make sense please.

  9. So funny how Confederate monuments and statues "offend" them but Planned Parenthood doesn't. It was founded by a woman Margaret Sanger who despised blacks. She believed they were an inferior race who didn't and would not ever serve any useful purpose in society. She wanted the black race annihilated, wiped out all of them destroyed. She felt the world would be a much better place if no blacks walked on it.
    Yeah so funny how this doesn't offend them. What a sick disgusting race they have turned into. It's no wonder they are a cursed race and wherever they go it turns into a cess pool of crime and poverty. God sees their ugly and is punishing accordingly.


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