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Thursday, August 23, 2018

California Used Loopholes To Keep Thousands on SNAP From Having to Work

Despite 10-year-low unemployment, California took advantage of loopholes in federal regulation to keep more than 800,000 federal welfare recipients from having to work.

This conclusion is based on the response of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to an application to waive SNAP's work requirements for 55 of California's 58 counties, issued to the state in July and recently obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

California's waiver, which will last until August of 2019, exempts more than 800,000 able-bodied, childless Californians from having to work while on SNAP. This in spite of the fact that California's unemployment rate—4.2 percent—is at its lowest level in at least 10 years.



  1. There are a lot of government workers who are incentivized to expand the welfare rolls. So, basically, their job is to try and give more of my money away.
    There's a great use of my tax dollars!

    1. My personal favorite is when Trunp wastes it at his own resorts

    2. Do you actually think he (the taxpayer) pays for his room? The only rooms paid for is the security detail which is paid no matter where the president goes. Florida is still cheaper than Hawaii, a favorite spot of a recently past president!

  2. 9:21,I believe your right because why would all these Haitians and homeless come to Salisbury?

  3. 11:07,that is a low info voter answer.

  4. California is a total plague

  5. 9:21
    It isn’t your money.
    Once you participate in the voluntary tax scheme of the US Government, the money belongs to the corporation (US Government Inc).

    Wake up and educate yourself
    You aren’t even close to the truth yet

  6. And now they are begging for Federal money due to the State burning like the hell they created!


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