Carl and Janice Duffner are in federal court challenging a law in St. Peters, Missouri, that requires them to grow grass in their yard, even though Janice Duffner is allergic to grass pollen.
The ordinance requires residents to grow turf grass on at least 50 percent of their yard or face potential penalties of up to $500, 10 days in jail, or both, for each day of noncompliance.
Because Mrs. Duffner is allergic, however, the Duffners replaced every blade of grass in their yard with flowers, small ponds, walkways, and sitting areas.
Even the city admits that their yard is attractive and well kept, with many of the Duffners’ plants providing low-growing ground cover that has an “appearance, height, and scale similar to grass.”
Which one of the city employees' families has a lawn mowing business?