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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Breaking News: Facebook took down 652 accounts and pages after finding a new influence campaign ahead of the midterms. It far exceeds the one found last month.

Facebook said it had identified a new political influence campaign on its platform that appeared intended to disrupt the midterm elections, with the social network finding and taking down 652 fake accounts and pages that were trying to sow discord around social issues.

Some of the accounts in the new influence campaign originated in Iran and Russia, Facebook said.


  1. How many were against Republicans ?

  2. But 99.9% originated in the good old US of A.

  3. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
    -John F. Kennedy

  4. I've ben told that all of these sites are within a small community in San Diego, California. This should be easy to take out in one fell swoop.

  5. Yep changed my mind .who's running. Yep. Yep .Changed my mind

  6. "I've ben told that all of these sites are within a small community in San Diego, California..."

    No, Palo Alto, California, not San Diego. Big Difference.

  7. sorry facebook your intent and credibility is ??????? for me.


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