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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Brazil Deploys Troops To Venezuela Border After Migrant Chaos - "This Is Going To Turn Into War!"

Brazil’s President Michel Temer announced an emergency meeting of government Sunday after deploying troops to the border town of Pacaraima where Venezuelan migrants clashed with residents.

Temer met with key officials at his presidential palace, including those of defense, public security, and foreign affairs, but limited details were disclosed, said the AFP.

The situation in Pacaraima was critical on Saturday, migrant camps were overwhelmed by angry residents following reports that a local restaurant owner had been attacked by a gang of Venezuelans.

There has been growing hostility towards the numbers of Venezuelan migrants entering the Roraima state, Brazil’s northernmost region, in recent months.



  1. Brazillionaires will be leaving the country in droves.

  2. The United States should learn from this. We should close our borders. It is easier and less costly to keep them out then to find and deport them after they are here.

  3. Deploy your Maned Wolves. Those people will run for their gd lives.


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