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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Bombshell: South Africa Forcing Farmers to Repay Bank Loans on Seized Lands

White farmers will still be expected to repay loans on land even if it is seized by the South African government, according to statements made by Nedbank.

A screenshot of an email ostensibly sent by a Nedbank client services resolution manager asserts that borrowers with mortgages on expropriated property will be obligated to continue bond payments – whether they are compensated by the government or not.



  1. Hmmmm Kinda is like when you don't pay a sewer bill and they condemn your house and kick you out, they sell it and get their money back, but if you didn't pay off the house when that happened, you would still be on the hook... Same thing with flint Michigan, you have to pay the water bill even though you can't drink it... But you people still think it won't affect you, or it will or could never happen to you, until it does, all the while you think and say this crap, this is moving around the country one state at a time, but noooo it won't affect you ever!!!!!

    That is why the want to take guns from the Africans, so they can't defend their land or go shoot a corrupt politicians after their crap is stolen and they still have to pay for it... I can't wait for it to happen here in America, just so I can say I told you all so yet again... just to prove my point, I want it to happen here in America, and it's not like you fat ass lazy clowns would do anything to stop it to begin with so, bring on the land confiscation!!!!!!! I mean after all, you all wanted to do so for a guy who didn't want you driving on his dirt road through his land, but you want to take it so you were not inconvenienced an extra 5 minutes of drive time to and from town... So it looks to me like you all are ready and wanting and willing for land confiscation...

  2. Steal my car and expect me to pay it off? I don't think so. That responsibility goes to the next owner. For me, it's the insurance company, for these farmers it's the South African government.

  3. All the white farmers will leave that chit hole of a country then what will they do?

  4. Time for a white revolt.

  5. Shows you the mentality you are dealing with ?
    Sad. the animals have more brains.
    Definitely from the Obama tribe

  6. When the white farmers leave, the black "do gooders" will starve. Maybe the Clintons can help like they did in Haiti.


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