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Friday, August 24, 2018

Bill to remove Lee statue from Antietam remains in House committee

A bill co-sponsored by Congressman John Delaney to remove a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee from Antietam National Battlefield has stalled in committee.

Delaney spokesman Will McDonald said Tuesday that the bill, H.R. 3779, hasn't made any headway in the Republican-controlled House Committee on Natural Resources.

"If the majority doesn't want to move a bill, they're not going to move it," McDonald said.



  1. I completely agree.
    Why stop there?
    Then take every mention of the Civil War away from the Battlefield at Gettysburg, tear down all the monuments, and build low-income housing.
    (Somebody needs to invent a "sarcastic font".)

  2. Won't be long before tourists STOP visiting Virginia because there is no history left to experience. Will Gettysburg be next?

  3. If the bill doesn't pass they will just send the snowflakes to rip it down and no one will be charged for destruction of property.

  4. The statue wouldn't be there unless there was a civil war, neither would the battlefield 'museum '. So, removing the statue will do what, may i ask? Erase what happened?
    Do we start doing the same for American Indians?! After all, we did win the war ....which is the argument many liberals use when talking to southerners.
    This has got to stop.

  5. This is just a way to get Delaney's name in the public eye.

    Lee's statue notes history, not feelings. Leave it alone.

  6. Lee’s family donated the land for Arlington Cemetery. If he’s a disgrace, should we no longer bury our hero’s there?

    1. The land for Arlington was taken from Lee. His family did not donate it.

    2. If they had their way all the dead would be moved and the land given to the "African American"
      Community as "reparations"!!

    3. 7:55: After the north buried their dead there, especially in MS. Lee's prized rose garden, Lee DID donate the property when he returned home.

  7. WHY are we allowing this to happen ?.

  8. "Lee’s family donated the land for Arlington Cemetery...."

    I wish that were true. Unfortunately the Union *seized* the land from the Lee/Custis families and made it a burial ground so that it would forever be denied to the Lee family.

  9. If anyone bumps into Senator Mathias DEMOCRAT they need to ask him about this. It is HIS party that is for these kind of things. Ask him about getting rid of ICE too and the push to make MD a sanctuary city. Tell him you will not vote for him until he addresses this all publicly in front of an audience. Ask him about HIS party's attempt at Soviet tactics to get rid of a elected president. Ask him about Maxine Waters and the democrats call for violence. Ask him. Watch him squirm.

  10. 738-No, the land was seized by the US gov't during the war. The Lee family sued the gov't for compensation after the war.

  11. Americans have no use for history.
    We have been told lies since we were in kindergarten so why respect Civil War History now?

    We anxiously await the Jew World Order when Israel will rule over the entire planet and lead everyone to the Promised Land of Milk and Honey!


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