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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Big Labor Kills Missouri Right-To-Work Law

Missouri Democrats and unions celebrated Tuesday night after voters rejected and nullified the state’s right-to-work law passed by the legislature last year.

Roughly two-thirds of Missourians voted to repeal right-to-work protections that prevented employers and unions from forcing individuals to join a union or pay agency fees as a condition of employment. The vote was a setback for Republicans in the solidly red state, The Washington Post reports.

“At a time when working families are struggling because wages are stagnant and health care and education costs are soaring, nobody should be forced to pay union dues,” a spokeswoman for GOP senate candidate Josh Hawley’s campaign told WaPo in an email.

The state referendum, known as Proposition A, gave state residents the chance to overturn the legislation passed by the state legislature in February 2017. Under Missouri law, legislation can be subjected to a referendum if 100,000 residents sign a petition supporting the challenge. Unions pulled together 310,000 signatures, temporarily blocking the law from taking effect until after the vote, CNN reports.



  1. More sheeple. How do people continue to buy the union rhetoric.

  2. Dumbocrats and their unions are organized crime.

  3. Are there any jobs in MO that would even qualify for unions?

  4. I agree with the above. Over the years I have seen the pros and cons. I have never been union but feel they (unions) have outlived their usefulness. One of the manufacturing plants in our organization bought groceries with annual union dues and displayed them every time organizers showed up; always voted down.

  5. Give yourself a raise and drop the union dues.


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