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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Battle Print: Document Emerges Detailing Democrat Plans to Crush Trump Should GOP Fail to Hold House

This document only begins to demonstrate exactly what the Democrats will do to Trump if they take control of Congress

A document detailing what Democrats intend to do to try to take out President Donald Trump should they take the House majority in November 2018 has emerged.

Under the headline “Scoop: Republicans secretly study their coming hell,” Axios’s Jonathan Swan on Sunday evening revealed the existence of the document that lists exactly the line of attack the Democrats plan to pursue should they win control of the House in the midterm elections. The document specifically focuses on certain investigatory pathways and lines of inquiry they have already sought.

The document, prepared by House GOP officials, walks through document and interview requests Democrats have already sent to the Trump administration, the president’s business The Trump Organization, and the president’s campaign in 2016.

“Congressional Republicans are getting ready for hell. Axios has obtained a spreadsheet that’s circulated through Republican circles on and off Capitol Hill — including at least one leadership office — that meticulously previews the investigations Democrats will likely launch if they flip the House,” Swan writes.

Swan then lists some of the more than 100 items contained in the lengthy GOP document. Here is a direct quote of the bullet point list from Swan’s piece in Axios:



  1. All the democrats put together can't out smart Trump.

  2. I hope they have a plan.

    A battle plan.

    Because we have one, too. Ours is more direct and more lethal.

  3. Democrats planning an attack on the man WE put in office IF they win? That's their platform? They want to get in office for that sole purpose? There is a woman running for office in Delaware and that's her platform. Her hatred of Trump. That's what she is running on. Not that she will do anything for Delaware. Her hatred of Trump. We need to stop this. They do not care about America, they care about their careers. Because they make millions while in office. We need to stop them. Vote Republican.

  4. @ 5:05 PM. I guess they think no one knows where they live. They keep pushing, I bet someone will push back.


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