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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Baltimore board approves covering gender-confirming surgery for city employees

BALTIMORE — The Baltimore City Board of Estimates has approved a request to provide gender-confirming surgery for city employees.

City officials said extending the benefit reaffirms the city's commitment to equal employment opportunity for all employees as the city aims to create diverse and inclusive workplace

"This is a victory for trans people and gender non-conforming people, a sign that everybody in the city matters," said Merrick Moses, president of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of Baltimore board. "Because I am a transgender man, this has caused me great distress. I am glad for the opportunity to get what I need and be whole and well."

The Board of Estimates voted Wednesday to approve the request to provide gender-confirming surgery to Baltimore City employees through the city's self-insured health plans.

The vote comes after Moses, a victim's advocate in the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office, went to the city after finding out his gender-reassignment surgery would cost $90,000 and none of it would be covered by his employer, Baltimore City.

"It will allow me to reschedule my surgery date, get my pre-ops together and get the surgery that's medically necessary for me," Moses said.



  1. Wow I'm absolutely blown away bt how sick this world is today. A city bankrupt and destroyed by drugs and this is what they choose to spend money on. Can't wait for Jake day to add this to Salisbury's FMLA leave policy

  2. Where the hell are the priorities with today's elected officials. With lack of resourcing for necessary items (infrastructure), they vote on personal items.

    MEANINGLESS and lack of civil thought should mean 1 term.

  3. C'mon with this stuff. Work on fixing your sh*tty city!

  4. What a bunch of idiots . All the problems they have in that dump and waste $ on weirdos

  5. Just gross, that's the only word for it.

  6. This the same city that didn't have money for the schools, but it's got money for this? Loony liberalism strikes again.

  7. The state of Maryland should cut off all funds to Baltimore City

  8. Hogan where do you stand on this? This must be another Hogan indecision / Feels he has to allow these bullying Democrat tactics. Hogan needs a backbone and stand up for conservatism / Christian values and humanity. I agree no more State tax dollars / funds / grants to Baltimore. The State of Maryland has slashed by State health insurance benefits as a retiree and stolen from State Employees Retirement Fund without repaying the Fund. Now they allow Baltimore, the slums of MD, to give added insurance benefits for Socialist / Liberal ideals. The Baltimore City Council should be using this money to rid the streets of gangs and drug dealers.


  9. Took a lot of balls for him to bring this topic up. Oops!

  10. Everything this misguided individual said was completely backwards. He or she or whatever does not need surgery to "be whole", but was physically perfectly whole before starting down the road to lunacy.

  11. Sick, sick people!


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