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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Attorney: Former IT Aide Imran Awan Deserves No Jail Time Because Trump, Republicans Were Mean

An attorney filed a sentencing memo on behalf of former House IT aide Imran Awan, claiming that President Donald Trump, other Republicans, and “conspiratorial media” attacks serve as a sufficient substitute for jail time for his client’s bank fraud conviction.

Attorney Chris Gowen, a former aide to Hillary Clinton, argued to Judge Tanya Chutkan, a President Barack Obama-appointee, that Imran should be spared jail, in part because of Trump, who engaged in “incoherent rambling” about the former IT aide.

“Considering … the conduct of several government officials, including the president of the United States, Imran Awan respectfully requests this court to sentence him to time served with a fine of $4,004,” Gowen wrote in the sentencing memo filed Wednesday.

Imran pleaded guilty to lying on a loan application on July 3. He was also banned from the House network in February 2017 after congressional investigators alleged he made “unauthorized access” to House computers and other cyber violations, but faced no charges related to this.



  1. I'd bet he got off because the information he stole is very damaging or embarrassing to the DEMS. He made a deal. I get off or the info gets released.

  2. Are you kidding me ,he should be charged with spying and so should wasserman Schultz and Killary's lady that was married to Wiener.The lawyer should be thrown in jail along with obummer and The judge.

  3. Dave T: Yeah, more hypocrisy from the whining cowards on the left. Illegal is illegal. Convict and punish conservatives, but allow liberals free reign. Want this to be the new normal? Vote Democrat and it will be. I say, slam their sorry asses in jail period. Who cares how loud they cry!


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