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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Arizona Governor Must Pick A Republican to Fill McCain’s Seat

Replacement will serve through 2020

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey will make the appointment that will fill the seat of Sen. John McCain, who died Saturday after a year-long battle with brain cancer.

Under state law the replacement must be of the same party as Mr. McCain, a Republican, according to election experts. That ensures the GOP will maintain control of the Senate — though given Mr. Ducey is a Republican as well, that was likely anyway.

Because the vacancy happened so late in the year, Mr. Ducey’s replacement will serve through the end of 2020, and the seat will next be on the ballot in November of that year. The winner would then serve out the final two years of the term Mr. McCain won in 2016 — his sixth.

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  1. I hope this replacement is ACTUALLY Republican and not another RINO..

  2. I wonder how many democrats are in a rush to change their party affiliation so they can get the seat?

  3. Hope they will be a Conservative Republican and not another chameleon Republican. Arizona is loaded with these two faced Republicans.

  4. Not only was McCain a RINO he was a friggin war traitor not a war hero.

    The Libtards are going Batshit Crazy calling him a hero. Where were they when he was running for President against Obama? They certainly weren't on his side.

    The only reason they are Praising McCain is to get back at Trump.

    Even RINO Larry was praising him like they were always good friends. I'm pretty sure if you asked McCain several month ago who Larry Hogan was and he couldn't tell you.


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