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Sunday, August 05, 2018

Amphitheater in Salisbury.........click right side or left side of picture to see others

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  1. According to the numbers they were speaking, 30,000 daily, that wil seat a few hundred max! Lets even be generous, it will leave 28,000 wondering, standing, jousting for a seat? It looks like they really only expect a several hundred a day max with that theater.
    Basically it's a joke and a large waste of money, in five years they will be tearing it out!!

  2. This cost a half million dollars to build??

  3. "They will be tearing it out". Who is "they"? Anarchists? Mad Republicans? Mad Democrats? Thugs? Nuns? "They" are always doing or planning something. "They" is a lazy term. Get your thoughts together next time and define "they" please.

    1. They are the next bunch of elected Misfits.. good spot for a methadone distribution site

  4. Just how stupid can the so called leaders of Salisbury get. One thing they know how to do real good is waste money. I sure hope they don't run their household expenses the same way they piss away city coffer monies. Stupid, really stupid.

  5. Lol I wonder who got that concrete contract hmmmmmmmmmmmnn

  6. Wait to the drunks fall in the river will the Mayor be in the river wading in his pink g string and pink pussy hat waiting to save his fellow drunk Snowflakes ???????

  7. Has anyone else read up on the the other idiotic half of the O'Hare's and his attempt at becoming a delegate?? These two, and the rest of the downtown "brick room" entourage are comical. O'Hare has absolutely no solid platform to run on. Every week, whatever is making social national news he's behind. It's gone from the confederate flag, to immigration, to now lefalizile marijuana for everyone to combat opiod and alcohol addiction. Salisbury where do you keep finding these idiots??

  8. I would hate to be staying at that hotel trying to get some sleep when a band is playing outside my window.

  9. 6:12 It is called reading comprehension, something you don't have. In the very first sentence 3:53 uses the word they in reference to the city government (According to the numbers they were speaking, 30,000 daily...), the use of they in the final sentence is obviously the same they.

    1. Signed the commie word police.

  10. Where are you supposed to sit? On the grass? Am I getting my clothes dirty to hear music? Am I supposed to lug a blanket to the festival with me or am I balancing my tush on the edge of the concrete block? Is the city putting chairs on the grass?

    who came up with this ridiculous design?

  11. IDIOTS!! This whole festival scenario does not work in ghettoville. It's already been proven that the local natives can't handle it. The salisbury festival turned into chaos with fighting and shootings.

    1. Does da folked fest take EBT Cards if not there going to be robberies in dabury.

  12. You better start looking at your local leaders a little closer. Your national folk festival director's husband now has been quoted again attacking white people and our so called privileged life. In his depressed, alcoholic twisted mind only black people get arrested for smoking marijuana in America. Blacks are singled out because a police officer might smell burnt marijuana and use it for "illegal searches". Man this guy has been brain washed by his racist mentor good old kirkland hall. The good old black victim mentality

  13. Jim Ireton will be wading in da river watching for young teen men like he did in Rehoboth Beach hmmmm.

  14. Are there any outlets to plug in amps, lights, etc.?

  15. Naysayers !
    At least someone is trying to do something construcitve

    1. Lolol go back to mommy's basement.

    2. Wasting taxpayer money for crony contract is destructive

  16. what a waste. will only seat 1000 at most. crazy

  17. Hope April Jackson does what any concerned council member wiuwo and gets a great turnout from her voting district for the infamous folk festival!!


  18. Future 10th Wonder of the World!

    Will easily accommodate all Folked Fest attendees.

  19. What a rip off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jake Day and Delmarva Vetran's Builders or should I say the blind leading the blind. Looks like somebody's landscaped yard and driveway. Where is the amphitheater stage ??????????????????????

  20. For far less money the city could have provided additional support for family oriented concerts at the bandstand in the city park. Could probably be grant funded by an arts focused foundation...and would give those of us trying to stay and rebuild a quality community something we enjoy and want. I liken this “folk festival” to the million dollar fire boat or the 10 million dollar fire palace that were both much more than we wanted or needed.

  21. Serious questions, how loud is the traffic whizzing by on that busy stretch of 13? How distracted will drivers be and how many rear end collisions are going to occur?

  22. There was a local architect that designed it. Any guesses who?


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