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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Among Democrats, the Clinton name is starting to stink

You'd think this would be catbird-seat time for Bill Clinton.

His ideological style of Democrats – the moderates – are winning primaries and special elections these days in Congress. And unlike President Obama, Clinton and his presidency are remembered for prosperity, including all the jobs that were created. Theoretically, that's something Democrats should be able to point to with pride, given all the embarrassment the Obama record presents in stark contrast to President Trump.

Somehow, that's not happening.

Democrats are moving away from Bill Clinton like a bad smell. In New Hampshire, which up until now has been one of Clinton's strongest states, a name inextricably linked to some of Clinton's strongest political successes, as the Boston Globe notes, grassroots Democrats have yanked Clinton's name from the masthead of a big Democratic Party fundraiser, changing the whole thing to the hoary name of Eleanor Roosevelt.



  1. Oh, come on, Obama created jobs, too. All of them government jobs.

  2. That name has been stinking for a long time now.


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