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Thursday, August 02, 2018

Alexander: Therapists Re-brand 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'

“To restore … harmony … to render us again one people acting as one nation should be the object of every man really a patriot.” —Thomas Jefferson (1801)

It’s official!

Psychotherapists have adopted a diagnostic name for what we in the real world refer to as “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDR). They have now rebranded TDR version 2.0 as “Trump Anxiety Disorder” (TAD). While that may be a nicer diagnostic tag for a new counseling revenue stream, the word “derangement” is a much more accurate description of the extreme cognitive dissonance TAD references.

The pop culture Urban Dictionary defines Trump Derangement Syndrome as “a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason. Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from hysterical outbursts to a complete mental break.”

Given the benefit (or detriment) of holding several graduate degrees, including one in psychology, I would suggest that the increasing frequency and intensity of hysterics associated with TDR is greatly exacerbated by the unmitigated, constant consumption of hateful Demo/MSM propaganda, 24/7/365. The result is a mass movement of those so intent on undermining Trump that they are now far off the reality reservation and utterly obsessed with defeating peace and prosperity.

More here


  1. So very well described, these people are sick!

  2. This is SO on the money!

  3. Here is another Thomas Jefferson quote:
    Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.

    Thomas Jefferson, 28 January 1786

    1. Conservatives only acknowledge the founding fathers when its convenient for them.

  4. The MSM truly is inflicted with TDS and I'm going to love it when when they get beat over the head again in Nov.2018 and 2020. LOL

  5. Does Medicaid pay for therapy? Is is from Liberals or Conservatives?

  6. Spoiled-rotten improperly raised brats who don't know how to lose and get violent and/or psychotic if they don't get their way. Our future leaders hopelessly stuck in the "terrible twos".


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