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Thursday, August 09, 2018

5 Voter Fraud Facts That Could Determine the Midterm Elections

As Americans head to the polls to vote in primaries this month, there has been much discussion about the threats to the American election system, both domestically and from abroad.

While some groups falsely claim that voter fraud is as rare as a lightning strike, some people still think the 2016 elections were either hacked by the Russians or tainted by millions of illegal votes. But there does seem to be agreement that American elections are far from secure. I have seen no evidence that Russians actually changed any votes in 2016. But as a research director for the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), and the author of Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election, I found plenty of evidence of fraud inside our borders.

Here are the five things everyone should know as they head to the polls this month:

1. Nearly 3 million people are registered to vote in two different states.

Voter registration records have been neglected by many states for years, making them rife with flaws. In its opinion upholding Ohio’s efforts to clean up its voter rolls, the Supreme Court cited two Pew Center statistics from 2012 most Americans would find shocking:
24 million voter registrations in the U.S. are either “invalid or significantly inaccurate.”
2.75 million people are said to be registered in more than one State.

During the 2016 election cycle, 248 counties in 24 states had more registered voters than residents of legal voting age, according to research by the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

And those are just the registrations. What about the actual votes? GAI’s analysis of the 2016 election found records for 45,880 voters over the age of 115. And 15,000 votes were cast by voters whose records claimed their home address was a post office box, a UPS store, a post office, or some other public building


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