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Wednesday, August 01, 2018

5 Reasons Hillary Clinton Was the Worst Presidential Nominee in History

Like every presidential election that liberals lose, years later we’re still hearing about how unfair it all was. Of course, the favorite complaint of liberals this time around is “Russia did it!” Even if you accept for the sake of argument that Russia wanted Trump to win and hacked John Podesta’s email (and neither of those assertions may be true), buying some inconsequential Facebook ads for both sides and revealing the contents of John Podesta’s emails (none of which turned into truly major stories) wasn’t exactly a game changer.

Liberals also noted that Hillary would have won had the election been decided by the popular vote. This is like noting that if football games were decided by passing yards instead of the score, the Patriots would have beaten the Eagles in the Super Bowl. It doesn’t work that way, by design. We’ve also heard complaints that Bernie Sanders is responsible, presumably for daring to run against Hillary at all and we can’t forget “sexism.” That’s always a liberal rallying cry.



  1. Just don't let her return.

  2. Give it a rest.We already know.

  3. Do we seriously need to beat this dead horse?

  4. Somewhere between her an Jimmy Carter

  5. Funny. The picture is of the Hillary lookalike. Check the hands, ring, jewelry, area around the mouth, teeth. This one's fifteen years younger than Hillary and more fit than Hillary was in her entire life.

  6. The Podesta emails were the real story.

    Massive and widespread PEDOPHILIA involving many politicians, judges, and law enforcement personnel.

    The Pedophilia case was completely hidden by the fake story of Russia Election "meddling". How outrageous!

    The US public allowed them (the elites) to get away with it.

  7. Oh, come on, you can think of more than five!

  8. When she goes away, we'll stop telling the world what a sorry excuse for a candidate and U.S. citizen she was, or is, or might be. Time will tell.

  9. Don't keep reminding us and HER.

  10. I'll just give one
    She just plain sucks

  11. She will never get her party's nomination. Democrats are stupid but I don't think they are that stupid. That fake indian maiden will get it.

  12. You are be raceist for always picking on this fine lady. she done more than you ever will.

  13. This makes Trump look bad. It shows he barely beat the worst democratic candidate ever.


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