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Wednesday, August 08, 2018

10 Budget Busters That You Can Live Without

When you are trying to set up a budget or you are trying to find additional money in your budget, it can be difficult to cut certain items. You may feel like the things listed are a must have for you to get by. You can develop bad financial habits that hurt you in the long run. These 10 items are ones that many people have a hard time cutting. Learn cheaper alternatives that will help you save money while still enjoying some of the things that are most important to you. You may want to do some of these things with all of the extra money you save.

01. Cable Television


  1. Who needs routine dental care when for three times the price they can have cable TV?

  2. hard to cut cable when they are the only good internet provider in our area

  3. Good, solid advice there. So many people are like "I don't have money for this necessity or that necessity" but yet they smoke, have subscriptions, and other items that are completely optional.

  4. I could hardly believe it when my neighbor told me that they were paying about $200 every month for cable and internet with Comcast in addition to the $70 for a telephone line.

  5. Modern camping ain't cheap anymore. A typical night at a KOA is close to $60 now.


  6. Killed cable (basic tier) almost 5 years back; still alive. Whacked the Daily Times couple of years prior to that on editorial bias and lack of content. Philosophically that was tougher since I love to read but there was no longer any realistic content.

  7. I killed my cable 3+ years ago 10:49 and don't miss it. My kids don't mind either

  8. 7:10 AM I've managed without it . Quit whining.


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