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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Women From All 50 States Travel to DC to Speak to Lawmakers About Gun Rights

'We hope to develop long-term relationships with lawmakers that will be beneficial when they are dealing with Second Amendment-related issues'

Fifty women from America's 50 states went to Capitol Hill last month to meet with federal lawmakers in an effort to advocate for gun rights.

The D.C. Project spent four days at the end of June walking the halls of Congress and meeting with representatives and senators about firearms policy. This year is the third year in a row in which the group met with lawmakers. The group said their goal was to change the impression many lawmakers have of gun owners as well as counter recent antigun protests.

"When women and students make demands against our freedoms, it is important that our legislators know that those protesters do not speak for everyone," Robyn Sandoval, a member of the group and executive director of A Girl & A Gun Women's Shooting League, said in a statement. "We have more women than ever before wanting to exercise their Second Amendment rights to protect themselves and their families. We have youth who are dedicated to their marksmanship sports. Our lawmakers need to know our stories."



  1. Lawmakers don't care about your stories . . .

    They want the campaign financing provided by Illuminati Bankers.
    The Bankers want the guns so we can never rebel against their tyrannical government.

  2. Perhaps they will carry signs asking "which one of you are coming to our house to get the guns?". A list would be helpful, but not critical.
    Or maybe a sign like the bumper sticker I saw yesterday, "Those who turn their guns into plowshares will be plowing for the ones who didn't".
    Meaning politicians, of course.
    There is a LOT of hanging and general housekeeping that needs to be done and I'd rather be in the same room with a bunch of Annie Oakley's, than in the same building with the likes of Mad Maxine Waters or the murdering slut hillary, both of whom want ALL of OUR guns, but want to KEEP ALL OF THEIRS. They now call that representing "We, the people"....seriously....
    Keep a thirty round mag in every rifle that can hold one. Keep them loaded and close to you.
    And NEVER, EVER think you need a cop or a politician (or someone else who never does anything wrong) to give you their PERMISSION (LOL!!!) to buy a gun, or carry one. I have boxes of "permission"....why don't you come on by and get some???? It's FREE to everyone who thinks I need their permission!!!
    Their pompous and arrogant "we are BETTER citizens and specials one, too, and WE will let you know if the rights you are GUARANTEED by our Constitution can actually be used by you, the common serf, is going to get them all hung, hopefully in the summer, with lots of flies and maggots to feast on (what used to be) their pompous ace.
    You can bet everything you own THAT is not too far down the pike.
    Thank you Thomas Jefferson.
    Thank you.

    Our Tree of Liberty is wilting away and urgently needs some "refreshment".
    You Nazi freaks know exactly what I'm talking about, too, don't you???
    And "we never thought it would come to this!!" will move you to the head of the hanging line, just for being that stupid.
    And on the anniversary of our independence and liberty, you cheer (!) the very people Jefferson warned us against. They are among us RIGHT NOW. They're on CNN every night. It's not like we'll need to GUESS who they are....
    It's unreal.
    Keep cheering.

  3. Their husbands are happy.


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