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Monday, July 30, 2018



  1. they have people crapping and PPing literally all over the streets in the cities in CA and they are worried about this. typical filth democrats. its okay for the streets to be flowing with crap but not straws. they were right when they called themselves nasty. democrats are nasty foul gross lowest form of lifes.

    1. You're absolutely right. Since there is sewage in a Democrat dominated state, we should all continue using straws. Are you aware of how flawed your logic is or do you only support ideas when Fox news gives you permission?

    2. If only your school was flowing with grammar books.

  2. I guess all the Hollywood elites will now be forced to use rolled up bills instead of straws.

  3. 1:31 my logic is most certainly not flawed but your brain is. The point is straws are the least of CA's worries. Clean up the mess that is a real health hazard and a quality of life issue, CA has few resources to spend on anything much less something that affects so few people. So there you go-are you getting it yet? One thing to keep in mind I have forgotten more then you could ever hope to know so don't you dare ever ever think you can match wits with me-do you understand? Because if you do I will once again slap your low IQ arse back down to where it belongs which is beneath me.


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