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Thursday, July 26, 2018

VICE Admits: Twitter Is Shadowbanning Conservatives and Mainstream Republicans

A new report from left-leaning VICE News revealed that Twitter is hiding the accounts of certain high-profile conservatives from users — which Breitbart News has been covering for years.

A new report published on Wednesday by VICE News details the ongoing censorship of conservatives on social media. This time, the offender is Twitter. Through an objective analysis, VICE News reporter Alex Thompson concluded that Twitter is hiding the accounts of certain high-profile conservatives from its user through a process referred to as “shadowbanning.”

More here


  1. The president is already on this!!!

  2. 10:57 I believe the "NEWS" in this is that "bought and paid for" Vice news actually reported this to its audience. They further said that similar liberal/leftist/democrat accounts were not targeted.

    BTW I do watch their news program. They are one of the few sources for whats going on in Middle East that are not completely owned by the powers that be. They show things that no other news outlet will show. Yes they have a hard left bend. But they have boots on the ground in these places and I dont see the other networks even bothering with it. Unfortunatly you do have to wade through the smug idiots and their b.s.

    What can I say. Knowledge comes with a cost.

  3. I follow many on Twitter, and yes they are being shadow banned regularly.


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