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Monday, July 30, 2018

Trump's ethanol plans alarm the boating industry

The boating industry is raising the alarm over President Trump's pledge to allow higher-level ethanol fuels to be sold year-round, which the industry believes could place millions of consumers on the hook for expensive repairs.

“President Trump’s pledge to allow the year-round sale of E15 will needlessly put consumers in danger,” Thom Dammrich, president of the National Marine Manufacturers Association, said in a statement Friday.

Trump told farmers in Iowa on Thursday that the administration is "getting very close" to approving a waiver to allow 15-percent ethanol fuel blends, or E15, to be sold year-round. Currently, the sale of the fuel is restricted during the summer months because of its high volatility. Sales after June 1 require a waiver from the Environmental Protection Agency.



  1. just sell non ethanol, non road taxed gas at boat docks, problem solved

  2. BAD BAD BAD IDEA Lower it.

  3. This ethanol sh*t really needs to end. More harm than good with old engines. The intent was fine back in the early 2000's, but it wasn't thought through. Better ways to refine fuel (i.e., technology) is there - just need to implement it now so in 30 years we aren't sitting/using refineries that are 60 years old!!!!!!!!

    This needs to be addressed/worked on and fixed now, not kicked down the road for other generations to worry about.

  4. Outboard engines, lawnmower engines, and other small type engines actually put out more pollutants for each hour of use, than 100 year 2000 or newer cars do per hour.

  5. Get rid of all ethanol !!

  6. Trump is an idiot.
    Ask his mechanic what he thinks of ethanol.


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