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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Trump Refuses to Take Question From Jim Acosta: 'CNN Is Fake News; I Don't Take Questions From CNN'

President Donald Trump refused to take a question from CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta during a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday, saying that he does not take questions from CNN and that the network is "fake news."

Trump took multiple questions from reporters during the press conference in Chequers, U.K., ranging from his upcoming summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday to his recent interview with The Sun, in which he criticized May and questioned the possibility of a U.S.-U.K. trade deal.

After Trump finished an answer, reporters in the audience raised their hands to ask another question, including Acosta, who interjected to ask a question since Trump criticized CNN. Acosta several times asked if he could pose a question, but Trump instead called on Fox News White House correspondent John Roberts.

Trump then addressed Acosta directly after he continued to try to ask a question.



  1. Absolutely beautiful! Stand your ground Mr. President. I am so proud that our president did this and hopefully continue doing so. This guy should not be allowed in any events, because of his past behavior. If he can't play well with others, he should take his marbles and go home. Once again, thank you President Donald J. Trump.

  2. I don't know why CNN still has white house press passes

  3. Pull CNN press passes, ban them from even being near him!

  4. This silly story is merely reading from the script written in Langley.

  5. This story is not silly, it is fact - accept that!


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