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Monday, July 09, 2018

Trump announces Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his Supreme Court nominee after days of speculation

President Trump nominated appeals court judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Monday night to replace the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, ending a days-long guessing game that began the moment Kennedy announced his retirement on June 27.

The four finalists – Kavanaugh and fellow appeals court judges Amy Coney Barrett, Thomas Hardiman and Raymond Kethledge – were drawn from a list of 25 names vetted by conservative groups.

A clue to Kavanaugh’s nomination emerged hours before the announcement when the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a written opinion in which the judge sided with the majority. The D.C. court does not typically issue opinions on Mondays except in response to emergency petitions, suggesting that the case had to be disposed of before Kavanaugh was nominated for the high court.



  1. Dirtbag Jake Tapper called him the Forest Gump of the DCc.

  2. Just as I suspected he would.

  3. A wildly successful community-involved gentleman; intelligent; a beautiful family; a proud American.
    Right there are just four reasons why the Democrats do not want him on the court.

  4. good choice hopefully barrett will be next!

  5. The demmies are gonna buck against whoever is chosen - here we go again !

  6. And then, for no particular reason, all them democratic people started in yellin' and screamin' and lighted they hair on fire and ran around!


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