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Monday, July 16, 2018

Trump 2020, outside groups raise $32.7 million in just 3 months, small donors rule

President Trump’s re-election campaign and groups backing his agenda raised nearly $33 million in just the last three months, an explosion of support driven by small donors, the groups have reported to the Federal Election Commission.

Trump and Vice President Mike Pence’s re-election campaign raised $8.3 million and, when added to the money collected by its two associated groups, the total was $17.7 million in the second reporting quarter. The campaign has $33 million on hand.

It also sped up its shift to small donors. In the new report, it said that 98.5 percent of fundraising was from small donors, though the total was $2.3 million less than the first quarter.



  1. That's because we want to KEEP AMERICA GREAT!!!

  2. As long as the dumbocrats put up the same caliber of nominees...Clinton, Warren, Harris, Sanders, Biden, Kaine, and the like - we'll get four more years of winning!

    They are getting ready to ditch DiFi and go further left and with the socialist winning the primary against Peloser's supposed replacement...they will most likely lose that seat as well!

  3. Folks don't forget to support republicans in the mid-terms, we can't afford lose control of the house and senate.

  4. 11:52 - VERY important point....go vote in the mid-terms!

  5. At this point it doesn't matter who they throw in the ring. Trump has done so well, the democrats will vote for him in the booth where it's not known who they support.


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