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Friday, July 27, 2018

Top political prognosticator says Democrats are favored to wipe out Republican majority

Democrats are now 'soft favorites' to take the House, according to an analysis by University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato and his team.

The latest periodic installment of Sabato's 'Crystal Ball' newsletter handicapping congressional the elections shifts 17 House races in the direction of Democrats.

The minority party needs to pick up 23 seats to capture the House – which would give them the ability to conduct oversight over the government, subpoena witnesses, or even pursue impeachment – although Democratic party leaders have repeatedly tried to tamp down that sentiment.

According to the latest updates outlined by managing editor Kyle Kondik, Democrats now have a little better than 50 per cent chance of taking the House.



  1. Hilarious! With a 4+% GDP happening under Trump, the Idjuts think voting for Dems is going to be a good idea!


  2. He also said Hillary would beat President Trump by 10 points

  3. Yeh sure not buying. Red storm rising..kaboom

  4. I still remember the look on Rachel Madcow's face on November 9th. It was the look of pure vindication on our part over the constant fake news reporting and MSM polling propaganda. They just KNEW Hillary was going to win and the surprised silence was deafening.
    So, why is this guy's prognostication any different?
    Here's my own prognostication (aka WAG): mid-term elections typically have a much lower turnout of younger voters, who typically vote on the liberal side. Hence, the ratios point to republicans GAINING seats in November because of the lack of enthusiasm for the poor slate of ultra-liberal - and in some cases, socialist - candidates.
    This time around, Republican candidates really don't need to do much except exploit the implosion of the Democratic party. My advice: just show real footage of Pelosi and Mad Maxine and the Queen's new socialist candidate to show voters what they would be getting if they voted Democrat.

  5. Are these the same experts that said hidabeast would win in a landslide?

  6. Listen up Republicans, make sure every Republican you know votes, we can.t under estimate the amount of hatred those lying POS Democrats have for our president and the USA.

  7. To our local R voters, this year we get to vote for AN ELECTED SCHOOL BOARD!!!!!!

    PLEASE get out and vote for new, conservative candidates!

    And bite your tongue and vote foe Hogan for the sole reason that voting for his opponent is OMalley squared. We have to look forward to the next election to get more done. Meanwhile, vote in some R delegates to help Hogan and future conservative Governors.

    It's not an overnight thing, its a long work of progress.


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