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Monday, July 30, 2018

Top Medicare Official Slams 'Medicare for All'

The Trump administration's Medicare chief on Wednesday slammed Sen. Bernie Sanders' call for a national health plan, saying "Medicare for All" would undermine care for seniors and become "Medicare for None."

The broadside from Medicare and Medicaid administrator Seema Verma came in a San Francisco speech that coincides with a focus on health care in contentious midterm congressional elections.

Sanders, a Vermont independent, fired back at Trump's Medicare chief in a statement that chastised her for trying to "throw" millions of people off their health insurance during the administration's failed effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Denouncing what she called the "drumbeat" for "government-run socialized health care," Verma said "Medicare for All" would "only serve to hurt and divert focus from seniors."

"You are giving the government complete control over decisions pertaining to your care, or whether you receive care at all," she added.



  1. Ole Man Bernie doesn't care because it doesn't and won't effect him. Even if it did, he has stole enough from government (us) to easily pay for any care needed, such as mental illness,Trump syndrome, etc.

  2. "corporate-run privatized health care," ...would "only serve to hurt and divert focus from seniors."

    "You are giving the corporations complete control over decisions pertaining to your care, or whether you receive care at all," she added.

    -corrected quote-

  3. I know people who live in Canada and they can not believe the amount of money we pay for health care.
    I think if politiciansdid not keep getting their palms greased by pharmaceutical companies they could devise a plan similar to Our northern neighbors.
    My father was in the hospital last year for four days and one day was because the medical device they implanted was impaired and had to be replaced. The bill was over $75000. I never could find out how much Medicare actually had to pay because we were told the maker of the medical device would pick up a large part of the tab due to the warranty. Based on the bills we saw Medicare put out much more than they should have and this is a growing problem in an aging population. Until there are more people involved in making sure Medicare is not overpaying we can not afford to add on more people to the system. I would gladly volunteer to monitor bills that they pay if only the bills made sense. The doctors encourage the seniors to come in to the offices for every little ache and pain and spend 15 minutes with them and get paid basically just to hear the patient complain.
    There has to be a better way.

  4. I was promised a pharmacy plan when I went to work for the state of Maryland and now they have ripped it away just when I need it most. I cannot afford the Med. D plan and never thought I would need it. Unlike you.....I now know exactly when I'm going to die because as soon as they take my medication away because I cannot afford thousand dollars a month for medication I will die from cancer. No wonder this country is going to H in a hand basket. I worked hard all my life so I can support people who lived off free medical help for those who were just to lazy to work. Now I get to die and they live on off your $. What a crap turn for a good country.


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