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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Today's Survey Question 7-11-18

Do you think Maryland should 
get rid of plastic straws?


  1. Never did see anything wrong wrong with the paper ones to begin with!

  2. When sold or provided with take-out beverages, definitely.

  3. Ban Mylar balloons too!

  4. Plastic straws and plastic politicians. Yeah,get rid of them.


  5. Marylanders should be provided with a sippy cup at birth or when they move to the state. All beverages and liquids they consume during their natural life shall be poured into and consumed from their personal sippy cup.

    This will eliminate all beverage driven litter and put a smile on SJWs, crabs and critters too small to be seen with the naked eye.

    /end sarc

  6. straws bags plates cups anything from a fast food or store related

  7. no, paper straws are disgusting. i hate that we can't get straws for our drinks. it should be an option to forgo the straw but not a rule. I'm tired of having my decisions made for me.

  8. I always use a straw. I will wash it and reuse for about a week. Then it gets thrown in recycling. It is much better for your teeth, especially with sugared drinks. The big island in the ocean is mostly China's trash. They make no attempts at being environmentally conscious.

  9. I say get rid of plastic bags too!!

  10. The earth is your home. Everyone needs to start house cleanig.

  11. People in general want to help the environment but they need incentives to do so.
    I shopped a grocery store in Texas that gave you a 5 cent discount on every personal shopping bag you used when
    purchasing your groceries. Once the idea caught on the majority of the customers brought their own reusable shopping bags. Many of the plastic containers we use today should be banned. Years ago the reasoning behind
    packaging items in the hard plastic shells was to deter shoplifting. Has it worked? No.....let’s get rid of all that excess packaging. We don’t need it and it only is making the landfills bigger. I could go on......but let’s get started with paper straws.

  12. I'd like to use paper ones, but can't seem to find them...someone suggested the metal reusable
    ones, but that just sounds like a good place for germs to grow.

  13. 11:50 AM - Not if you keep it clean.

  14. Somebody recently gave me a silicon straw. I like it. It goes in the dishwasher and comes out clean as a whistle.

  15. But how will Snowflakes suck up to mommy .

  16. using one right now. use them all the time. Keep them!

  17. why stop there. ban all plastics, bags , lids, utensils, all of it!

  18. The big island in the ocean is mostly China's trash. They make no attempts at being environmentally conscious.
    July 11, 2018 at 10:22 AM

    That the U.S. and other countries ship to China to be disposed of. It was in the news not long ago that China was rejecting or reducing the amount of trash it accepts.

  19. We didn't ask for plastic. Now we're supposed to sift & sort our garbage because of it? Not me, honey. Not me.

  20. Why r we having this conversation? People r going to do what they want anyway.

  21. 9:18, That is a totally different topic. They would take our plastics to be recycled into typical Chinese manufacturing, not for disposal. We weren't sending them our trash! You bought a iPhone 15 years ago, it was made from original American plastic. They no longer need it, so we no longer send it.

    I see where you were going, but your point has nothing to do with their littering and bad industrial habits, and lack of any real environmental oversight.

  22. 8:15: That is the most ridiculous responses one can give! You know you can just throw in with your other plastic recycling before you throw it away. So, you won't have to sift and sort through garbage, as you put it.

    Is it really that hard to take the plastic fork out of the bag and decide either save it to use later or recycle it? It is obvious you do absolutely no recycling! It is beneath you, isn't it? Honey, you are a lazy sad sack.


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