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Monday, July 23, 2018

The REAL U.S. Election Meddling: Nationwide Voter Fraud, Importation of Voters

As the establishment media, GOP, and Democrats fret over the influence foreign countries have on U.S. elections, the leading threats to the American electorate remain nationwide voter fraud and mass immigration.

Though President Trump’s administration sought to thoroughly investigate voter fraud through the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity, the board was handed off to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in order to bypass obstruction from national Democrats who refused to turn over voter data.

The number of convictions against voter fraud continues to rise, with now nearly 940 criminal convictions on the books across the U.S., according to the latest data from the Heritage Foundation.

Likewise, the number of cases of voter fraud has risen. Heritage’s Voter Fraud Database now features 1,071 cases of voter fraud that spans across 47 states.

In the most recent study by the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) on voter fraud, the think tank found 8,471 high-likelihood cases of double voting. About 7,271 of those cases were inter-state double voting, while the remaining 1,200 cases were of intra-state double voting.

“The probability of correctly matching two records with the same name, birth date, and social security number is close to 100 percent,” the GAI report noted.

Kansas Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach is fighting in his state to enforce voting laws that would mandate voters prove their U.S. citizenship. This effort has currently been halted by the left-wing ACLU organization and a circuit judge who recently claimed that it was unconstitutional for a state to demand voters provide their U.S. citizenship records. Years ago, proof of citizenship voting laws were upheld as fully constitutional.

More here


  1. Dave T: The secret is that liberals know they can't win with the American electorate, so they have to seek illegals to create a new voter base that's easier to manipulate. Ignore this fact folks, and you'll have immigrants coming here and telling us how to run our country!

  2. Democrats bus in illegal voters to a lot of districts just like they push for illegals the right to vote. That is voter fraud thanks to the Democrats

  3. Maryland the worst recruiting illegals to vote.

  4. Well to register as a Democrat all it takes is a Death Certificate.


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