Over the last few weeks, illegal immigration has jumped in the polling as the top issue for voters in the midterm elections. These polls are perhaps a snapshot reflecting the Trump administration’s separation policy impacting children whose parents were detained at different facilities. Breathless 24/7 media coverage was complete with photos featuring children in wire pens, more closely resembling cages. The outrage was everywhere, and Americans took notice. And in essence, that’s what pollaganda is: The media runs endless stories and then polls Americans to see if it worked. The polls are then reported as news to keep the churn — and advertising revenue — going.
On June 9, a Reuters poll recorded the economy and jobs as the most important issues to voters, with health care and immigration following behind. Within two weeks, immigration had surged to become the number one issue. The Leftmedia and Democrats exploited President Donald Trump’s zero-tolerance enforcement as a way to foment voter outrage ahead of the elections.
It didn’t take long, however, for images of caged children to be traced back to the Barack Obama administration’s identical practices of separation of children and alleged parent to address human trafficking. That’s right — adults were bringing other people’s children into America as a mask to circumvent law enforcement efforts. And while the greater enforcement produced about 2,000 separations of children from their actual parents, Obama and his secretary of homeland security, Jeh Johnson, engaged in the same practice.
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The dumbocrats change in their stance on immigration - along with their stubbornness to prevent voter ID...and their desire to have the illegals vote (for them of course) is quite transparent!