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Saturday, July 07, 2018

The Founding Fathers: Smugglers, Tax Evaders, and Traitors

Americans were not fighting the British. The Americans were British.

During patriotic holidays, the news media applaud the Founding Fathers. But rarely does anyone mention some important facts about them: that they were smugglers, tax evaders, and traitors.

Not only is this important, it is also praiseworthy; it produced the most advanced civilization ever known.

The Revolution is often said to have begun in 1775 at the Battle of Lexgton. In truth, it began in the 16th century when the first colonists began traveling to the New World. Consider the hardships these people faced. Abandoning their relatives and friends, they boarded small leaky boats like the Mayflower—which was only as long as six automobiles—to spend months crossing 3,000 miles of storm-tossed ocean.



  1. We live in a police state! It's horrible.

  2. Taxation is slavery.


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