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Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Cast of the View heading out to protest Trump


  1. They are disgusting brainwashed POS.

  2. Thats offensive to Rhinos. And those who identify has one. Whoopi is lower than whale s@#$.

    1. How about horse s@#$.

    2. How about horse s@#$. At least the bulls@#$ can be clearly seen.

  3. That is Joy Behar straight ahead. Lard a$$ is even fat and lazy walking on the trail...

  4. Horses a$$e$ would have been more appropriate.

  5. She and no other democrat needs to speak for Mexicans. President Trump's approval rating is soaring with Hispanics that is Mexicans, Cubans and Puerto Ricans and this is burning up evil, black hearted liar like Whoopie. As a matter of fact Gov Scott FL Republican who is now running against the foul sitting senator nelson democrat is gaining ahead in the polls and is ahead with Hispanics. So no democrat needs to speak for Hispanics because Hispanics hate lying evil demon people that is the democrat party. They may have fooled and keep on fooling black Americans for all these years but Mexicans are too smart and will not allow themselves to be used by democrats like blacks do.

  6. What comes out of those rear ends is more like "The View"

  7. Its the last thing I saw before changing my mind about going into a Weight-Watchers meeting.

  8. I don't get it. What's with the picture of Hillary/


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