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Monday, July 16, 2018

The Bible remains a 'powerful, transformative tool' in American culture

The Bible remains a fixture in American culture and lifestyle according to the “State of the Bible” report, an annual poll conducted by the Barna Group, a California-based research organization, and the American Bible Society.

“The results show that, despite shifting cultural trends, Americans still read the Word, and it remains a powerful, transformative tool in their life. These and other snapshots are included in our list of top seven findings from this year’s State of the Bible report,” the survey said.

Overall, half of Americans are “Bible users” — they read it, pray with it or consider biblical content through online or recorded forms. The survey found that Bible use has remained relatively consistent since 2011.

“Two-thirds of Americans express at least some curiosity to know more about what the Bible says. A similar number of adults (63 percent) are interested in knowing more about who Jesus Christ is,” the survey said. “Just over half of adults who used the Bible in the past week (53 percent) say they give a lot of thought to how it might apply to their lives.”

Similar numbers say that reading the Bible boosts their own spiritual growth, as well as their inclination to “show more loving behaviors to others.’

More here


  1. "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through me.
    No one. Jesus made NO EXCEPTIONS to that statement. All men hear the Word and decide for themselves. Jesus didn't tell anyone to kill in his name because He knew that the Judgment would be far worse than any death they could imagine....
    Take care atheists. You sound really bad-ass and totally convinced that there is nothing greater than your smug and arrogant selves.
    Even worse, you trumpet so called logic and theory in an area where faith is all one needs. AND there are SO MANY holes in the Big Bang theory and that of evolution, it's a matter of faith for you, too. You are just too arrogant to admit it.

    Yeah, you want us to believe that 100 BILLION GALAXIES, each with billions of stars, poured forth from a point too small to be seen by the naked eye, yet ridicule and disbelieve that God's only son performed such miraculous actions that 12 men spent the rest of their lives telling everyone what they saw.
    They were just very good liars and had a story that made each one of them richer than any king???
    Nah.....they were killed for their beliefs, but, even under the threat of death and torture, would not change or recant their accounts.
    Think about that. ALL of them stuck to the TRUTH, even while facing crucifixion, beheading, and torture.
    You'd cry like a baby and say anything NOT to get nailed to a cross (I would, too, probably), but they didn't. NONE of them.
    Not ONE.
    THAT is powerful in and of itself.

  2. Very true, it is indeed the word of Life.

  3. McLain:

    I was the one who sent this post up for Joe. I wasn't going to at first,expecting the usual troll(s) to appear, but felt I should go ahead anyway, and now I see why.

    You are a real treasure here, and I'm very thankful for your presence.

  4. Truth and the light of his word our ONLY salvation. However as we see today all around are luciferians disguised as politicians,clergy,police, lawyers judges. Pray hard and be vigilante satan workers are everywhere

  5. Thank you, Jim.....

  6. One of the top reasons Christians loose their faith is by actually reading the bible.

    While I agree that in a majority population of Christians, roughly 75% in the States, that lots of people read parts of the bible, I would venture a guess that most have never read all of it... because there is some insane, horrible, and reprehensible stuff in there. How anyone can read it and think it has any merit is baffling.

    Consider this: it actually says in it that God is not the God of confusion, right? "god breathed". What book is more disagreed about ever in history? How many differing versions and sects of religion that can't agree what stories are true, and which are allegory?

    This is the work of a God who presumably would be able to clearly communicate his message, or at least know how to, he is God right?

    Genocide, infanticide, rape victims being purchased by their attackers, misogyny, instructions on how to treat your slaves, consider the 10 commandments.... 4 have NOTHING to do with how to live and all about an insecure megalomaniac with an image problem, Yet no where does it say don't own people as property or don't rape anyone.

    And then faith. Is there anything that CAN'T be believed with faith? That answer is no. Literally anything can be believed, with faith. It is the LEAST reliable method to truth, and should be treated as such. Illogical and irrational and irrelevant

    Also, for Imclain, who ever seems to be confused how things work. The burden of proof rests with the person who posits the claim. Atheism is one view on one topic. If someone rejects the claims of theists, it lays no burden on that person to explain anything, and it makes no other positive claims about anything.

    Plus, science does not use faith. They use evidence, and form theories based on evidence. When better evidence or information is found, they adjust to best understand reality.

    And, Imclain, to wrap it up, Muslims blow themselves up for their religion. According to your line of reasoning, it must make it true? Plus we KNOW that the suicide bombers actually existed, the same claim can not be made for the characters in the bible.

    Consider, the Gospels were written YEARS after the supposed occurrences in them. Nothing was first hand reporting. There is solid evidence that they are all copies or retelling of each other, and there is evidence of altering of the stories, along with inconsistencies in the stories. There is no evidence of the crucifixion, and none for the resurrection. Your stories just don't hold up to scrutiny... and to really hammer it home... if there WAS actual evidence for any of it... faith would NEVER be the metric now would it?

  7. Well 9:10, have you ever studied the Bible? If you have so many questions (clearly you are confused) then why don't you get answers. There is a clear distinction in the new vs/ old testament. If you follow the actions of Jesus it is a guideline on how to treat people (don't blow people up, etc) I believe ImClain (and the article) is referencing the Christian Bible (The Muslim's are OK with blowing people up, Jesus never said to do that). God loves you even if you don't believe in him. When you have uncovered all the secrets of the universe then you can tell the rest of us, " I told you so". We will wait ....

    1. @10:40 In fact one of the reasons I am an atheist is because I studied the bible. In fact, was not there a study done a few years ago on bible knowledge and atheists scored the highest when it came to knowing what was actually in the bible?

      Your old vs new only proves the point don't you get that?

      Jesus said he did not come to bring people together in peace but to divide, with sword, families!

      When you demonstrate your deity, then we can discuss who he loves or doesn't.

      And when did I say I had all the universe secrets? Surely I didn't. You strike me as someone who doesn't know any atheists, nor have you spent much time exploring other ideas.

  8. History shows, when things are out of the ordinary folks reach for the bible to obtain comfort. When things are going well, less likelihood to reach for that comfort mechanism.

    Just sayin...


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