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Thursday, July 05, 2018

Such A Shame


  1. Nevertheless,we can't let down our guard.The defense of our President must continue.Let us never "assume"anything.

  2. This is the truth. The democrat platform is to constantly keep it's base living in fear. Their base has been so programmed that they fall for it every time. President Trump is a Nazi, he's a fascist, he's homophobic, he's racist, and on and on. None of this is one bit true but since the democrat party has not ever done anything positive nor will they ever this is one of the ways they keep voters-keep them living in fear. Their voters are really falling for it now with their ridiculous safe spaces and coloring book therapy. They really do need mental help. They have allowed themselves to be reduced to nothing more then all obeying cult members. It's really gross how low they have let themselves sink.

  3. That statement is in the same place as "separation of church and state" in the constitution. Just try to find it.


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