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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

"We Live In A State Of Emergency": Chicago Protesters Shut Down Highway To Demand Americans Disarm

Thousands of protesters led by Father Michael Pfleger shut down the Dan Ryan Expressway on Saturday to demand "common sense gun laws, community resources, better schools, jobs and economic development."

The protesters began pouring onto the freeway at approximately 10:20 a.m., carrying banners and shouting "Shut it down."

At about 11:30 a.m., protesters negotiated with authorities to shut down all northbound lanes for the protest march and began moving again. Earlier, Governor Bruce Rauner's office had earlier warned that anyone going across the barrier would be arrested, but no arrests have been reported. -ABC 7 Chicago

Illinois governor Bruce Rauner lashed out at the protest over Twitter - saying "This is unacceptable. We had clear parameters that allowed the protestors to be heard while respecting law and order. Instead, they chose instead to cause chaos," while admonishing Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel.



  1. Start with your thug gangss Hypocrites

  2. If this highway is an interstate highway then are not they interfering with interstate commerce which, if I am not mistaken, is a felony? More and more federal laws are being ignored or just plain not enforced! We are heading down a dangerous path of lawlessness for the liberals while conservatives are being chastised!

  3. We already have common sense gun laws but most iminals don't follow the rules.

    10:21 PM - I see it here every single day. How the rules no longer apply to a certain sector of people. On the 4th of July a certain sector of persons stopped their vehicle in a traffic lane on Rt 13N by the Tastee Freeze to let their passenger out of the vehicle. He could have easily pulled in to a parking lot but since laws no longer apply to him, he'd rather almost create a pile up of the 4 cars behind him and the ones coming over the bridge

    Then on E Church St an orange and black taxi driven by a certain sector of persons was parked facing the wrong way in the street blocking oncoming traffic. Since the driveway would have taken some extra effort, inconveniencing everyone else was the route taken.

    This goes on all day - people parked in the street blocking traffic. Apparently basic driving laws don't apply to them either.

    The media was recently hyping this all up how whites are snitching on blacks for mundane everyday events. Problem was - in each case, all the blacks had broken a law or rule. But hey - don't let actual facts get in the way.

  4. You all let this happen, by thinking it would never happen, so you all are partly to blame... Maybe next time someone offers you evidence to prove this stuff is happening, maybe you shouldn't demonize them and actually listen and use your brain... But as the saying goes and will continue to be said, you get what you ask for, pay for or when you don't stand up but demonize people who just want to help... Ah but who cares right? this doesn't affect you!!! Oh wait, it has!!!

  5. Disarm law abiding gun owners so the gangs can totally take control.

  6. 653am easy now with your all your profiling. Leave some for the rest of us to bash. Like a certain group who has the need...no entitlement to park in front of a liquor, department or grocery store when there are more than enough parking spaces available; the need/entitlement to have a phone up to their ear, conversing with someone at the top of their lungs - like the person is next to them - IN THE CHECKOUT LINE.....

    I SMH at the country we live in today, but digress - only to allow others to chime in!!!!

    Hey Rickie - hows that family friendly moniker for OC doing? Seen any social media clips of GANG fighting lately??? It'll only "git" worse sir! Leave while the going is GOOD...for ALL of us!!!

  7. Tell me what laws that have been passed, have worked? None. Gun laws will solve nothing. I wonder how many in that group have criminal backgrounds?


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