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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Soros Director Moves to Rockefeller Entity to Push for Automatic Voter Registration

Democrats ramped up efforts to attack voter ID laws following Trump's victory

Julie Fernandes, who served as the deputy assistant attorney general in the civil rights division of President Barack Obama's Justice Department and then as a director of Voting Rights and Democracy at Soros's Open Society Foundations, will now serve as the associate director of the institutional accountability and individual liberty at the Rockefeller Family Fund, a New York-based nonprofit founded by the Rockefeller family.

Fernandes's move is another signal that Democrats are moving to undermine voter ID laws following Donald Trump's victory in 2016.

"I am thrilled to join the innovative and dynamic team at RFF at such a critical time in the fight to protect and strengthen our democracy," said Fernandes. "I look forward to working with my new colleagues to develop, support, and promote projects that bolster core democratic ideals and institutions, such as protecting the right to vote, ensuring the drawing of fair electoral maps, and supporting independent journalism and courts."

The program lists its main initiative as "Voter Registration Modernization," which was created to counter efforts that "limit voting of the poor, elderly, newly enfranchised immigrants, and people of color." It also lists its objective as "expanding participation in the nation's democracy by enacting legislation to provide automatic and permanent registration to all voters."



  1. The swamp keeps revealing itself.

  2. Rockefeller Foundation and Family are Rothschild Agents.

  3. These are the nazis.

  4. expanding the "democracy" - upping it to 4 wolves and 1 sheep deciding what's for dinner

  5. Democrats want it so as the illegals step foot on US soil, they get registered to vote!


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